One option more people are turning to when planning funerary services, yes to give their loved one a humanist funeral. Humanist funerals are for people who were not religious and who would not have wanted to have faith represented in the service. If that is something that you would like to offer your loved one, there are some things that you should know. Here are the tips that directors of funeral homes in Turley, OK want you to keep in mind.
Although a humanist service is not religious, it does not mean that you cannot have music or readings. When you choose the readings and the music that you want for the service, you want to avoid anything that has a religious tone to it. This kind of service is a good idea for someone who wants a unique option for their loved one because there is no structure or order that you have to follow.
If you prefer, you can still have a bit of structure to the service. You could have eulogies, tribute readings from the person’s favorite book, and you can have songs that your loved one enjoyed. The main part of the service is a tribute written for the person and honoring their life and what they meant to those around them. The celebrant usually reads this. A beautiful tribute should include anecdotes of the person’s life.
The person who leads the humanist service is a celebrant. The first thing that the celebrant will do yes speak with the family of the deceased and get information on all the services they would like and what they would want to include. If you do not know how to choose a celebrant, the Funeral Home can help you do this.
For a humanist funeral, you can choose to have the service at a number of different locations. You do not have to choose the funeral home and you also do not have to go to somber locations. If your loved one would enjoy being outside, for example, you could choose to have the service outdoors. Some people choose to have the service at a hotel while others prefer to do it at home.
Planning a humanist funeral is something that can really make a difference for the family if they are not religious and it can honor the wishes of the person who died. This is an option that can offer tribute to your loved one in a unique manner. If you want to know more about planning a humanist funeral, you can turn to a Turley, OK funeral home like us. We have a team of experts who will help you decide on the best services for your loved ones, so you can lay them to rest in honor. If you do not know how to choose a celebrant, we are also able to do this for you. Give us a call today or visit us at our location to speak with one of our experts about this and all of the other options we offer.