January 13 2022 0Comment

Preplanning Myths to Keep in Mind

These days, more people are opting for preplanning their funerary services. This is something that can be crucial and that can be the responsible thing to do so that you do not leave the arrangements for your loved ones to make. There are myths and misconceptions out there, however, that can stop you from choosing this option. To help you with this, here are the tips that directors of funeral homes in Turley, OK want you to remember.


One myth that is out there about preplanning is that it is something that takes a lot of time and effort to plan. That is not the case. When you choose a provider that has lots of experience offering these services, you can be sure that they will be able to help you preplan in a way that is efficient. There is no reason why making these arrangements should take any longer than other funerary plans so do not be intimidated by it.


Another myth that you may encounter about preplanning is that you may be limited in the options you have. That is also not true. When you choose to preplan your services, you can get the same options as you would if you were making arrangements for someone else. You can opt for cremation and burial choices and you can even customize what you would like.


People sometimes also think that preplanning will be more expensive, but the opposite is true. With preplanning, many companies offer discounts and other benefits that you would not get otherwise. You can also choose from lots of different options, like burial insurance, revocable and irrevocable trusts, and more to ensure that you can find the right choice in your budget range. It also ensure that your loved ones are not the ones who have to pay for the services, which can also be crucial. It is also important to remember that if you preplan, you are fixing the rates. This means that you do not have to worry about the prices of the services increasing as the years go by. This can be another concern people have, so learn the truth about the process.


When getting ready to decide if preplanning is the best option for your needs, you want to ignore some of the myths that are out there and learn all about the benefits that preplanning can offer. This is something that is essential for you and for your loved ones, since it allows you to leave everything ready for when you are no longer there. It also leaves the services paid for so that your loved ones do not have to struggle financially. If you would like to know more about preplanning, you can reach out to a Turley, OK funeral home like us at Butler-Stumpff & Dyer Funeral Home & Crematory. Our team has years of experience offering these services and more, so do reach out to us to get started. Give us a call right now or visit us today to speak with one of our experts about preplanning.