Marcello Zuniga
November 19, 1932 - August 30, 2013
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Marcello Zuniga
November 19, 1932 - August 30, 2013
Marcello Zuniga, 80, retired Unit Rig & Equipment Co. supervisor passed away August 30, 2013 in Tulsa, Oklahoma surrounded with love. He was born November 19, 1932 in Tulsa, Oklahoma to Alfonso and Prudencia (Martinez) Zuniga. Marcello joined the United States Army in 1953 and served until the spring of 1956. He will be missed by many. Marcello is preceded in death by his wife Anita Zuniga; son: Michael Gary Zuniga; and seven siblings: Esther Reyes, Hope Cole, Katherine Meyers, Raphael Zuniga, Joe Zuniga, Johnny Zuniga, Raymundo Zuniga. He is survived by his children: Mark Zuniga, John Zuniga, Robert Perkins and Teresa Bullis; grandsons: Mark Zuniga, Jacob Bullis and six siblings: Zeke Zuniga, Val Zuniga, Julian Zuniga, Willie Zuniga, Frank Zuniga and Linda Hardesty. Condolences may be sent through the guestbook on this page.
Funeral Service
- Date & Time: September 5, 2013 (10:00 AM)
- Venue: Adventist Fellowship
- Location: 15303 East 21st Street Tulsa, OK 74134 - (Get Directions)
- Date & Time: September 4, 2013 (9:00 AM - 8:00 PM)
- Venue: Butler-Stumpff & Dyer Funeral Home & Crematory
- Location: 2103 E 3rd St Tulsa, OK 74104 - (Get Directions)
- Date & Time: September 3, 2013 (2:00 PM - 8:00 PM)
- Venue: Butler-Stumpff & Dyer Funeral Home & Crematory
- Location: 2103 E 3rd St Tulsa, OK 74104 - (Get Directions)
4 responses to Marcello Zuniga
Staff At Butler-Stumpff Funeral Home says:
August 31, 2013
Our deepest sympathies on the loss of Marcello Zuniga. Please offer a favorite memory of Marcello on this memorial to share more of his life experiences with family and friends.
Delana Valentine Hines - Neice says:
September 6, 2013
I remember Uncle Mark being involved in several business ventures with his brothers. Football league, jewelry making shop. My favorite was the business where he put blue flocking on everything you could imagine. He had a blue flocked lunch pail. I thought it was really cool.
Marshall Tyner says:
September 13, 2013
Zeke sorry to hear about your brother. You and your family are in my prayers.
Aak says:
February 8, 2014
Le acompao en su dolor y le pido a Dios que le de la fuerza y paz que necesita para sobrellevar su dolor en estos momentos difciles, yo se lo doloroso que es perder un ser amado, por esta razn deseo compartir con usted unos textos bblicos que me ayudaron a m en momentos tan difciles como por el cual usted est pasando en estos momentos. Si tiene Biblia le invito a que busque Hechos 24: 15, Revelacin 21: 3,4, Juan 5: 28,29, estos textos hablan de una bella esperanza, "La resurreccin", uno solo puede imaginar abrazar a su ser amado que ha fallecido, estos textos nos dan dicha esperanza. Con dicho pensamiento en mente, le invito a visitar el siguiente enlace: http/ Ah encontrara un artculo que habla ms al respecto.