Substitutions, other than those noted or approved by the funeral home, are not allowed. Services do not include cemetery fees or other cash advance items such as clergy honorariums, car services, paid obituary notices, or death certificates unless specifically noted on the package plan and on the current General Price List as Federally Mandated.
A complete itemization of the Oklahoma funeral prices and costs in the package you select will be provided at the time of arrangement. All affordable funeral package pricing displayed here are an advertisement for Oklahoma Funeral Plans are and are subject to change without notice.
If you do not select one of our affordable packaged services, then pricing will reflect charges for service and merchandise selected from our current General Prices List should any overlap between print/effective date of a General Price List change and any delay in the webmaster updates being completed.
8 responses to Anna Elizabeth Darr
Aaron says:
April 7, 2021
What the fuck happened?!
Donna Darr says:
April 8, 2021
To my
Anna Glasper says:
April 9, 2021
Anna I love you!! Words can not express the way I will miss you!! You were one of the most beautiful loving extraordinary people I have ever known!! We have been through so many things together and I will never for get you!! After all of the trials and tribulations that you have overcome it is now your chance to spread your wings and fly my love!! Rest easy your work here on earth is done!! I know you will be waiting for the rest of us when our time comes!! I don't know how to say goodbye honestly I don't want to!! I will say I will see you again my love… until that day comes just know that I love you so much always and forever!!!!
Angela Harrison says:
April 9, 2021
Beautiful Anna, o how i shall miss ur presence in this world!!! I know life was difficult for u, but i know ur in heaven watching over all of us. U will b greatly missed by Alesha, Logun, Kevin, Angela Harrison & Andrew Houston. Goodbye precious!!!!
Ben Johnson says:
April 12, 2021
Thoughts & prayers to the Darr family during this difficult time.